Cops 4 Kids
California Police Youth Charities was incorporated as a non-profit organization in June of 2002. Since that time, we have grown rapidly and consistently to a point where we feel we are making some real positive changes in the lives of kids throughout the State of California.
CPYC’s Board of Directors is made up of a mix of businessmen, law enforcement officers, and professional athletes, all with a common goal of providing opportunities for children who may otherwise not get those opportunities.
We have partnered in the past with organizations such as the San Diego/Los Angeles Chargers and the Oakland/Las Vegas Raiders of the National Football League, the NBA’s Sacramento Kings, and Major League Baseball’s Oakland A’s in an effort to provide kids with a chance to be kids and experience unique activities. We want to bridge a gap that exists between police officers and kids within many of our communities. This is done by offering productive activities run by positive role models while having fun, but also making sure that a message is sent to these kids that drugs, alcohol, and gang violence are not the answers to daily problems within their young lives. We will stress education, respect for others, and tolerance among our fellow human beings. Through many of CPYC’s programs, we bring in professional athletes and uniformed police officers to speak to kids about these very issues.
CPYC, through our celebrity advisory board, has made many influential contacts among high-profile people in the sports and entertainment world. From Hollywood stars to Hall of Fame Athletes, we have gathered the attention of these people because they understand what CPYC’s message is and what it will take to get the message out to those that need it the most.
We cannot accomplish this without the help of businesses and individual contributors. We thank you for your support and your interest in California Police Youth Charities and look forward to a bright future for California’s kids! Call (916) 409-2293 to donate or learn how you can get involved.